A Healthy Survival Guide for the Holidays

By Jenna Jackson

The Holidays can have a huge impact on our health. They can potentially set us back from all the hard work we have done by taking care of ourselves. This time of year can weaken our immune system and our digestive health with all the parties, rich food and constant socializing. Hence the ‘New year, new me” resolutions. Here are a few tips  to help you feel great come the new year.

Give your digestion some help:

Everything starts in the gut, ever heard that before? It’s true! Our digestive health can make or break our immune system, determine how comfortable we feel and plays a huge role in how we recover from a night out. There’s no surprise our digestive tract needs a little extra help this time of year. Rich foods require more digestive power. A great way to maximize your digestion is to take a digestive enzyme 15-30 minutes before a meal. I recommend a broad-spectrum digestive enzyme, that way you have all your bases (enzymes) covered.

The enzymes we naturally secrete become dampened if we are eating lots of rich foods that contain dairy, gluten and sugar. Antacids like Tums, Rolaids and even some heartburn medications can also dampen our digestion. Benefits of taking digestive enzymes include reduced gas and bloating, reduced heartburn symptoms, appropriate digestive transit time, proper elimination and increased nutrient absorption.

If you are not into taking supplements a splash of good old apple cider vinegar in warm water before a meal will be a close second to a digestive enzyme!

Note: Do not take digestive enzymes if you have a history of gastric ulcers.

Avoid overindulgence at the treat table

It’s easy to get carried away during the holiday season, especially at the treat table! Sugar unfortunately feeds bad bacteria in our gut, damages our blood vessels, is linked to various conditions like diabetes, alzheimer’s and dementia and straight up will always cause extra inflammation in the body aka food hangover. So, the take home is to reduce the amount of sugar we consume daily – and sugar hides in everything! First, we want to keep our blood sugar balanced to avoid a binge on Christmas treats. Make sure to include protein, fat, and fiber at each meal. All three of these macronutrients help us feel full. When we are full our blood sugar is stable and we avoid a crash that makes us reach for sweet treats.

Exercise! Continue your exercise regime over the holidays! Getting your heart rate up is actually one of the best ways to stabilize blood sugar. Make exercise fun, go skating, cross-country skiing, a winter run/ walk. Take a break from social indulgence and socialize toget  her with a healthy outdoor activity.

Be smarter than the hangover:

A hangover is essentially the liver being overwhelmed from the amount of alcohol it has to process. There are a couple things we can do to make the liver’s job easier. A  lot of the  alcohol we consume gets absorbed directly through the stomach walls. It is important before a night of drinking to eat a substantial meal. This will create a nice buffer and the alcohol will get absorbed slower and not overwhelm the liver. We also want to give the liver a little help. Milk thistle seeds protect the liver from damage, they allow it to regenerate its cells quicker and aids in the many detoxification pathways. Take milk thistle (tincture or capsules) once before you start drinking, once before bed, and once in the morning.

B Vitamins are another great hangover tool. When we drink we lose a lot of our B’s because they are water soluble and alcohol is a diuretic. Replenish your B’s with a B complex, take first thing in the morning with your breakfast. B vitamins also help with anxiety, stress and energy.

We all deserve to indulge a little, there is always a balancing act between indulgence and over indulgence. Listen to your body, treat it with respect, and make sure to enjoy yourself this holiday season!

Featured Products Available at Infinity:

Digestive Enzymes
Natural Factors:  Multi Enzyme
Flora: Ultimate Digestive Enzyme
Apple Cider Vinegar
B complex:
Natural Factors: Complete B 100
Natural Factors Hi Potency B
Nature’s Harmony B-50 liquid
Milk Thistle:
St. Francis: Milk thistle tincture, Orange Naturals: Milk thistle tincture
Natural Factors Milk Thistle Capsules

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